Highline College

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Winter quarter starts January 6. View the class schedule and enroll today for the best selection of classes.

Upcoming Events

27 06 / 2022

Learning and Pronouncing Students’ Names


Multiple dates: Learning and Pronouncing Students’ Names Students tell us in campus forums, focus groups, and individual conversations how very important it is that instructors learn their names.  A student’s name is an important part of their identity, heritage, family and culture. Learning, using, and correctly pronouncing names helps create a classroom environment where students can

11 03 / 2022

Warming up the syllabus: Using the inclusive syllabus template


Warming up the syllabus: Using the inclusive syllabus template Three sections in the inclusive syllabus template provide great opportunities for establishing an ethos of care in the classroom. Writing the course overview, how to succeed, and inclusivity sections allows instructors to reflect on ways to establish a positive classroom culture at the outset of the

1 02 / 2022

Umoja Black history month trivia


Umoja Black history month trivia Hello Highline Family! To kick of the start of Black History Month, you are invited to join the Umoja Community for Black History/Culture trivia!  Take a little break and join us to test your knowledge! We will be using Kahoot! (Kahoot.com) This platform can be used on a mobile device or