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Home/Tag:Guided pathways
21 10 / 2022

Student Success Centers Lunch and Learn


10/24/22 Student Success Centers Lunch and Learn This 12 part webinar series, open to all faculty and staff, features speakers discussing  best practices and learnings in implementation and execution planning and for faculty and staff to learn from each other. On 10/24 Dr. Chris McGilvray of Front Range Community College (Colorado) will focus on an

9 08 / 2022

Supporting pathways: A student-centered approach


Multiple dates:  Supporting pathways: A student-centered approach A virtual professional development mini-series that focuses on the role of funding a student’s pathway. Conceptualized as a forum, this event will provide foundational funding concepts, approaches and resources, and practical strategies for staff and administrators to support the development of holistic funding plans that leverage the spectrum of funding resources.

3 08 / 2022

Washington Council transfer advisor workshop


Multiple dates:  Washington Council transfer advisor workshop We are pleased to announce that registration for The Washington Council Transfer Advisor Workshop is now open! This workshop is designed to provide community college advisors with valuable transfer admissions and program information from Washington State 4-year public and private baccalaureate institutions as well as updates from state agencies.