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Home/Tag:faculty advising
3 05 / 2022

Moving from checklist advising to college success: How do we help students thrive in their classes and in college?


5/3  Moving from checklist advising to college success: How do we help students thrive in their classes and in college? Do you have advisees struggling academically or in danger of dropping out? Or advisees that are not choosing a pathway and doing a ‘random walk’ through college? Or advisees sticking to a pathway and failing

3 05 / 2022

Applying for financial aid


5/3 Applying for financial aid This presentation will go over the 7 Steps to Apply for Financial Aid at Highline. Presented by Highline financial aid office.  While these sessions are geared towards students, staff and faculty will find a lot of value in these sessions as well. Email financial aid office for Zoom link.

26 04 / 2022

ctcLink and technology galore


4/26  ctcLink and technology galore Need a refresher in ctcLink on WhatIfs and interpreting AARs? Interested in more advanced functions like queries? Have difficult situations you need help with? This interactive workshop will cover key functions in ctcLink with on demand demos as requested by participants. Facilitated by Aleya Dhanji and Mary Weir Email Aleya Dhanji

19 04 / 2022

Policies and procedures for helping students with low GPAs


4/19  Policies and procedures for helping students with low GPAs The pandemic has exacerbated existing equity gaps and impacted student drop rates, withdrawals and academic success. Learn how to help advisees navigate policies and procedures such as grade forgiveness, class repeats, and how GPA is calculated (and what is and is not excluded in cumulative

18 02 / 2022

Advising & Metacognition: the Link with Student Learning and Self-Advocacy


2/18 Advising & Metacognition: the Link with Student Learning and Self-Advocacy   Why participate? How do we help our advisees not just survive but thrive? What our education systems often fail at is making the ‘hidden curriculum’ of the college evident to all students especially to underserved populations. How do we take what is hidden