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Faculty Advising 2024-12-09T08:57:08+00:00

Faculty Advising

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Part of commitment to student learning means also taking a holistic view toward educational outcomes and goals and helping our students achieve not just course outcomes but degree outcomes. As educators, an important role is to advise students. This may include topics like navigating college, study strategies, academic enrichment, career exploration (both for exploratory students and students in a degree program), degree requirements for graduation and feeling a sense of belonging to the Highline community. 

As faculty advisors, we are in a unique position to support our students and help them achieve their goals. Faculty advising:

  • is one of the best ways to improve the student learning experience and subsequent retention rates.
  • contributes to quality interaction with students which is the single strongest predictor of success for at-risk minority students.
  • builds student-instructor relationships, and intellectually and socially engages students with the college experience.
  • provides direction – many students decide on a degree path or career because of a class experience or faculty interaction.

Use the menu on the left to read more about in-class and inclusive advising.