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Transparent Assignments 2024-07-08T15:07:15+00:00

Transparent Assignments

Logo shows TILT as an acronym for transparency in learning and teaching

Transparent assignment design is an equity strategy. The goal is to frame assignments in such a manner that all students can begin their work at the same starting point, with a shared understanding of what good work should look like. Research indicates that incorporating elements of transparent assignment design, such as clearly communicating the purpose, task and criteria, into student assignments can demonstrably enhance students’ success, in multiple ways, with a medium to large magnitude of effect. The effect is particularly strong for students from systemically non-dominant populations.

Transparent assignments specifically outline for students three important aspects of the assignment (Winkelmes, 2017):

  1. Purpose: The purpose specifies the skills students will practice and the knowledge they will gain, and the long-term relevance of these to the students in their lives or their disciplines
  2. Task: What specific steps will the student follow, from the first step all the way through until they are ready to turn in the assignment
  3. Criteria: What excellence looks like – giving students an opportunity to evaluate real-world work samples by applying a checklist or rubric


Tools and templates

A list of resources, tools, and templates designed to guide faculty in designing transparent assignments:


Professional development opportunities

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Additional resources and scholarship



Winkelmes, M. (2017, March 3). Using transparent assignments to increase students’ success [Video file]. Keynote workshop, 13th Annual Advancing Teaching and Learning Conference, Texas Tech University.