About the Learning and Teaching Center
Our Vision
To promote a culture of teaching excellence at Highline
Our Mission
Providing resources to meet the professional development needs of instructors
Our Values
We believe every learner is capable of success, and that each should receive what they need to be successful. To further this, we strive to engage instructors in evidence-based, equity-centered learning opportunities to build and refine their practices. LTC seeks to advance a culture of learning and teaching excellence, which provides quality learning experiences for our students that lead to increased retention and completion.
We recognize that quality learning and teaching involves the entire campus. The LTC welcomes invitations to partner with other faculty, departments or committees on events or activities. Please drop us a line if you have a need, or if you have a particular pedagogical passion that you would like to share with other Highline Instructors.
Strategic Plan 2020-22
LTC Institutional Effectiveness Report 2022-23 (Highline login required)
LTC Team
Tarisa Matsumoto-Maxfield Keliko Adams
LTC Co-Chair LTC Program Specialist
Rashmi Koushik Stephanie Ojeda Ponce Angel Steadman
LTC Faculty-in-Residence LTC Faculty-in-Residence LTC Faculty-in-Residence